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KURT ACKERMANN Malsenstrasse 57 80638 Munchen GERMANY tel: 0049(0)89-15 7 00 00 fax: 0049(0)89-15 7 00050 kurt@kurtackermann.com |
AHMET VEFIK ALP Fener-Kalamis cad 7 Kadikoy, Istanbul 34726 TURKEY tel: 0090-216-3361744 0090-216-3477219 fax: 0090-216-3457872 ahmetvefikalp@alparchitects.com.tr |
TADAO ANDO 5-23 Toyosaki 2-Chome, Kita-Ku, Osaka 531-0072 JAPAN tel: 0081 66-375-1148 fax: 0081 66-374-6240 |
PAUL ANDREU 15 rue du Parc Montsouris, 75014 Paris FRANCE tel: 0033 1 58 100515 fax: 0033 1 53 620220 paul.andreu@paul-andreu.com carole.rami@paul-andreu.com |
RASEM BADRAN Lweibdeh West-Al Ibnfadhlanst Bldg. 6 P.O.Box 182571 Amman 11118 JORDAN tel: 009626-5604200 fax: 009626-5606606 dao-amman@daralomran.com |
JAI RATTAN BHALLA Bhalla House, 116 Jor Bagh New Delhi 110 003 INDIA tel: 0091(11)41510280 fax: 0091(11)41510280 sdb@vsnl.com |
ANDREY BOKOV 29-A Second Brestskaja Str. Moscow 123056 RUSSIA tel: 007 495 2515931 fax: 007 495 2515923 info@mosproekt-4.ru archunion-russia@mail.ru |
GOTTFRIED BOHM Auf Dem Romerberg 25 50968 Koln Marienberg GERMANY tel: 0049-(0)221-9370150 fax: 0049-(0)221-371709 buero-boehm@netcologne.de info@boehmarchitektur.de |
MARIO BOTTA Via Beroldingen 26, CH-6850 Mendrisio SWITZERLAND tel: 0041 91-9728625 fax: 0041 91-970 1454 info@botta.ch mba@botta.ch |
SANTIAGO CALATRAVA 713 PARK AVE. 10021 NEW YORK USA tel: 0012124521046 0041(1)4227500 fax: 0012124521047 0041(1)4225600 admin.newyork@calatrava.com t.levy@calatrava.comadmin.zurich@calatrava.com |
DOUGLAS J. CARDINAL 331 Somerset St.W. OTTAWA Ontario K2P 0J8 CANADA tel: 001 6132343377 fax: 001 6132332462 b.cardinal@djcarchitect.com info@djcarchitect.com l.bushey@djarchitect.com |
PETER COOK 54 Compayne Gardens, London, NW6 3RY UNTED KINGDOM tel: 0044-207-3723784 |
CHARLES CORREA 9 Mathew Road Mumbay 400 004 INDIA tel: (0091)2223633307 fax: (0091)2223631138 cca@charlescorrea.ne |
JUSTUS DAHINDEN Kienastenwiesweg 38 CH-8053 Zurich SWITZERLAND tel: 0041-44-4225056 0043-44-5042231 fax: 0041-444-225172 prof.dr.j.dahinden@bluewin.ch |
VAKHTANG DAVITAIA 1st Entrance, 5th Floor, 24a S. Chikovani str. Tbilisi 380071 GEORGIA tel: 099532-225987 099532-333685 fax: +995 32 922 899 vakhtang_davitaia@hotmail.com |
BALKRISHNA DOSHI Vastu-Shilpa Foundation Sangath Thaltej Road Ahmedabad 380 054 INDIA tel: 0091-(0)7927451555 fax: 0091-(0)7927452006 vastushilpa.consultants@gmail.com vsfad1@sancharnet.in |
PETER EISENMAN Eisenman architects 41 West 25-th Street, New York NY 10010 USA tel: 12126451400 p.eisenman@eisenmanarchitects.com info@eisenmanarchitects.com c.davidson@eisenmanarchitects.com |
RICHARD ENGLAND 8, Oleander Street, The Gardens St.Julians STJ , 1912 MALTA tel: 00356-21330171 00356-21245187 00356 99 254 363 fax: 00356-21334263 00356-21241174 richardengland@onvol.net myriam@vol.net.mt |
ADRIEN FAINSILBER 9, rue de Monttessuy, 75007 Paris FRANCE tel: 0033-01-45 513433 agence@fainsilber.com adrien.fainsilber@free.fr |
NORMAN FOSTER Riverside Three 22 Hester Road London SW11 4AN UNITED KINGDOM tel: 0044(0)20 7738 0455 0171-738 0455 fax: 0044-(0)20-7738 1107 0044-(0)20-7738 1108 enquiries@fosterandpartners.com press@fosterandpartners.com |
MASSIMILIANO FUKSAS 85, Rue du Temple Paris 75003 FRANCE tel: 0033(0)144618383 0039-(0)668807871 fax: 0033(0)144618389 0039(0)668807872 staff@fuksas.it office@fuksas.itinfo@fuksas.it |
FRANK O. GEHRY 12541 Beatrice Street, Los Angeles, CA 90066 USA tel: 0013104823000 fax: 001 310 482 3006 |
YURY GNEDOVSKIY Sadovo-Kudrinskaya ul., dom 28/30, kv.40A 103001 Moscow RUSSIA tel: 007-495-2915578 007-495-2036911 fax: 007 495 2911834 |
TEODORO GONZALEZ DE LEON Amsterdam 63, Col. Hipodromo CondesaMexico, D.F. 06100 MEXICO tel: 0055 5286 54 60 0055 5286 55 78 fax: 0055 5211 37 06 berenice@tglarquitectos.com |
VITTORIO GREGOTTI Via Matteo Bandello n.20 20123 Milano ITALY tel: 0039(0)2 4814141 fax: 0039(0)2 4814143 gai.milano@gregottiassociati-link.it |
NICHOLAS GRIMSHAW 1 Conway Street Fitzroy Square London W1T 6LR UNITED KINGDOM tel: 0044(0)20 72914141 fax: 0044(0)20 72914194 communications@grimshaw-architects.com info@grimshaw-architects.com |
ZAHA HADID Studio 9, 10 Bowling Green Lane London EC1R 0BQ UNITED KINGDOM tel: 0044(0)207253 5147 fax: 0044(0)2072518322 mail@zaha-hadid.com |
AGUSTIN HERNANDEZ NAVARRO Bosques de Acacias 61 Bosques de las Lomas C.P.1700 MEXICO, D.F. MEXICO tel: 005255 55961665 00525555961554 005255 55961065 fax: 005255 55961710 agustinhdez@infosel.net.mxaghdez@hotmail.com agustinhdez@alestra.net.mx |
THOMAS HERZOG Imhofstrasse 3 A D-80805 Munchen GERMANY tel: (0049)89360570 fax: (0049)8936057139 info@herzog-und-partner.de |
STEVEN HOLL Steven Holl Architects 450 W. 31-st street, 11-th floor, New York NY 10001 USA tel: 001212629-7260 X20 001 212 629 7312 julia@stevenholl.com |
JAN HOOGSTAD Hoogstad architecten Postbus 818 3000 AV Rotterdam THE NETHERLANDS tel: 0031(0)10 4402121 fax: 0031(0)10 4402100 info@ectorhoogstad.com b.wende@ectorhoogstad.com keah@hetnet.nl |
TOYO ITO 1-19-4, Shibuya, Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0002 JAPAN tel: 0081-3-3409 5822 fax: 0081-3-3409 5969 nishimura@toyo-ito.co.jp uono@toyo-ito.co.jp kinoshita@toyo-ito.co.jp |
HELMUT JAHN 35, East Wacker Drive, Third Floor Chicago, ILLINOIS 60601 USA tel: 001 312-427-7300 fax: 001 312-332-0274 info@murphyjahn.com |
MIKHAIL KHAZANOV 10/2 Kojevnicheskaja Str. Moscow 115114 RUSSIA tel: 330155288220 fax: 330155288518 mikhaz@rosmail.ru |
REM KOOLHAAS Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) Heer Bokelweg 149 NL-3032 AD Rotterdam THE NETHERLANDS tel: 0031(0)102438200 fax: 0031(0)102438202 pr@oma.nl |
VLADILEN KRASILNIKOV 52 Kosmodamianskaya EMB., BLDG 10 115054 Moscow RUSSIA tel: 007-495-730 4353 fax: 007-495-730 4356 tta-mos@yandex.ru |
LUCIEN KROLL AUAI sprl, Avenue Louis Berlaimontlaan No20 B-1160 Brussels BELGIUM tel: 0032-2-673 35 39 fax: 0032-2-673 89 27 kroll@brutele.be |
ALEXANDER KUDRYAVTSEV Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences 24 Bolshaja Dmitrovka Str. 107031 Moscow RUSSIA tel: 007 495 9257967 007 495 2295054 007 495 6257967 fax: 007 495 2092526 raasn@raasn.ru |
WU LIANGYONG Director of Institute of Architecture and Urban Studies School of Architecture Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 CHINA tel: 0086 10 62784567 fax: 0086 10 6278 3328 wuly@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn |
DANIEL LIBESKIND Studio Daniel Libeskind 2 Rector Street, 19-th floor New York, NY 10006 USA tel: 001 212 497 9100 fax: 001 2122852130 info@daniel-libeskind.com thierry.debaille@daniel-libeskind.com Lynn.Krogh@daniel-libeskind.com |
FUMIHIKO MAKI Maki and Associates-Architecture and Planning Hillside West Building C 13-4 Hachiyama-Cho Shibuya-Ku Tokyo 150-0035 JAPAN tel: 0081 3 37803880 fax: 0081 3 37803881 |
THOM MAYNE Thom Mayne /Architect Morphosis Architects 2041 Colorado Avenue;Santa Monica,California 90404-3415 USA tel: 0013104532247 fax: 001 3108293270 T.Mayne@morphosis.net |
RICHARD MEIER Richard Meier & Partners 475 Tenth Avenue, 6th floor, New York, NY 10018 USA tel: (001)212 9676060 fax: (001)212 9673207 mail@richardmeier.comL.Koe@RichardMeier.com R.Broadhurst@RichardMeier.com |
MANFREDI NICOLETTI VIA DI SAN SIMONE 75 00186 ROMA ITALY tel: 0039(0)6 68805903 fax: 0039(0)6 6892394 studio.nicoletti@inwind.it |
JEAN NOUVEL 10, Cite d’Angouleme 75011 Paris FRANCE tel: 0033(0)1 49238383 fax: 0033(0)1 43148110 adienstag@jeannouvel.fr |
FREI OTTO Berghalde 19 71229 Leonberg 7 – Waermronn GERMANY tel: 0049 715241084 0049 715243908 fax: 0049 715243908 kanstinger@freiotto.de |
JUHANI PALLASMAA Tehtaankatu 13 B 28 00140 Helsinki FINLAND tel: 358-9-669740 fax: 358-9-669741 office@pallasmaa.fi |
IEOH MING PEI 88 Pine Str, New York N.Y. 10005 USA tel: 001 212 8724010 fax: 001 212 872 5443 information@pcf-p.com |
GUSTAV PEICHL Opernring 4/2/20 A-1010 Wien AUSTRIA tel: 0043(0)1 5122500 fax: 0043(0)1 51225005 office@peichl-partner.at |
CESAR PELLI 1056 Chapel St. New Haven, Connecticut 06510 USA tel: 001 203 7772515 fax: 001 203 7872856 jyoder@pcparch.com |
DOMINIQUE PERRAULT Dominique Perrault Architecture 6, Rue Bouvier, 75011 Paris FRANCE tel: 0033 1 44060000 fax: 0033 1 44060001 dpa@d-p-a.fr lrichardnagle@d-p-a.fr |
RENZO PIANO Via P. Paolo Rubens, 29 16158 Genova ITALY tel: 0039(0)1061711 fax: 0039(0)106171 350 italy@rpbw.com ccasazza@rpbw.com |
YURI PLATONOV 3, Goubkina Str. Moscow 119991 RUSSIA tel: 0074991358771 fax: 0074991351260 platonov@laser.ru |
KEVIN ROCHE 20, Davis Street/ P.O.Box 6127 Hamden, CT 06517-0127 USA tel: 001 2037777251 fax: 001 2037762299 kroche@krjda.com info@krjda.com |
RICHARD ROGERS Thames Wharf Rainville Road, London W6 9HA UNITED KINGDOM tel: 0044 2073851235 fax: 0044 2073858490 enquiries@rsh-p.com |
MOSHE SAFDIE 100 Properzi Way, Somerville Boston, MA 02143-3740 USA tel: 001 617 6292100 fax: 001 617 6292406 safdieb@msafdie.com |
FRANCISCO SERRANO Av. Nuevo Leon 66 1 er piso Col. Hipodromo Condesa, Mexico D.F. 06100 MEXICO tel: 52 (55) 5286 6100 fax: 52 (55) 5553 3826 serranoarqs@prodigy.net.mx |
Alvaro Siza arq. S.A |
BRIAN SPENCER P.O. Box 5951 Carefree Arizona 85377-5951 USA tel: (001)(608) 217-9300 basarchmb@msn.com basarch@aol.com |
GEORGI STOILOV International Academy of Architecture 40 Maria Luisa Blvd. Sofia 1202 BULGARIA tel: 00359-2-9434950 fax: 00359-2-943 4959 iaarch@yahoo.com |
ROGER TAILLIBERT 163, Rue de la Pompe, 75116 Paris FRANCE tel: +1 47 042992 fax: +1 47 273771 rtaillibert-1@dial.oleane.com www.agencetaillibert.com |
SARA TOPELSON DE GRINBERG Sierra Mazapil 135 Lomas de Chapultepec Mexico D.F. 01090 MEXICO tel: 0052-555-596-5013 0052-555-596 5597 fax: 0052-555-596 4046 saratop7@gmail.com |
R. RANDALL VOSBECK 9064 Ranch River Circle, Highlands Ranch, Colorado 80126. USA tel: 001 9704762054 fax: 19704769449 RRVosbeck@aol.com |
RIKEN YAMAMOTO Riken Yamamoto & Field Shop #302 4-24 Kaigan-Dori, Naka-ku, Yokohama, 231-002 JAPAN |
KENNETH YEANG 8 Jalan Satu, Taman Sri Ukay, 68 000 Ampang , Kuala Lampur MALAYSIA tel: 60 3 4257 1966 60 3 4257 1948 fax: 60 3 425 6 1005 60 3 4256 9330 janet@trhamzahyeang.com |
AYMERIC ZUBLENA S.C.A.U. 5 Rue Lemaignan 75014 Paris FRANCE tel: 0033(0)1 40788400 fax: 0033(0)140788598 0033(0)140788476 aymeric-zublena@scau.com |